by Robert Kahn
Born under the influence of Nazi Germany, Robert Kahn’s emotional journey plunges the reader through shifting shades of darkness and his eventual escape. This unusual and intriguing autobiography details a man’s personal triumph while dealing with family, identity and traditions. His later contributions to the Department of Defense are startling in spite of his aversion to warfare. Written with honesty and determination – this autobiography contains no dramatization, only the rough edges of life.
Book Dimensions: 10 x 7 x 1.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.3 pounds
U. Kusch –
This is an absolutely fascinating book.
The journey starts on the “old continent” – Germany. Robert Kahn brings to life his memories of growing up in the city of Mannheim, with very detailed descriptions of the everyday joys and sorrows in the 1920s and 1930s.
When the Nazis took power, the lives of people with a Jewish Background become ever more difficult. Robert Kahn here recounts many terrible events and painful memories. For a long time the Kahn family considered escape, but putting this into practice was no easy matter.
Finally in 1941, under dramatic circumstances, they managed to find their way to the new “promised land”. But many family members weren’t so lucky and didn’t survive the Holocaust.
After having escaped to their new homeland of America, Robert Kahn was once again caught up in the course of the Second World War, subsequently fighting against the Japanese on the Island of New Guinea and in the Philippines.
Back home again, life finally took a turn for the better and brought new pleasures and joys. He became a master in rebuilding his life in every respect. A wonderful love story led to a very happy family life.
Moreover, Robert Kahn`s qualities of determination, stamina, loyalty and great flexibility brought him great success in his profession.
This is a very moving story that had to be told. At a certain point you can`t avoid considering your own heritage, family history and the times you now live in.
This publication also covers some of the global events over several decades. And many aspects are just as relevant today as they have ever been: anti-Semitism, persecution, marginalization and war.
I can thouroughly recommend this very special book, which is rich in both humor and tears, emotionally moving sections and tense action, always accompanied by unexpected twists and turns.