by Nancy S. Nason
The engrossing story of an Arkansas boy whose dream of flying took him into World War II as an Army Air Corps bombardier-navigator. In a fierce air battle, his plan was shot down by enemy fighters and he was taken prisoner. Through many months of stark privation, his steady nerves and strong faith brought triumph. He became a military man, and the impact of his work during the Cold War was evident then and throughout the Vietnam and Gulf Wars. Gus was a lifelong student, a natural teacher, and a deep thinker.Through the years of his life wound the ribbons of reason, a quiet and steady intellect, a thirst for knowledge, a subtle, cerebral sense of humor, and unwavering trust in the Spirit. Although Alzheimer’s eventually clouded the mind, it couldn’t dim the legacy of a brilliant, honorable man. Gus left behind a blueprint for success for those who would follow his lead.
Hardcover, 338 pages.
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