Boy on the Run is one man’s story of how Christ can change our worst possible life experiences into a joy-filled new life, showing how His redemptive power will offer us a new beginning if we are open to His voice. The book is a simple offering of hope for those men who were abused as children and who have struggled to find their voice and their joy ever since. The book is a culmination of a 45- year journey from the start of the abuse to the release of this book. A journey that comes full circle with a train ride the author took with Christ from Cleveland, Ohio, to Seattle, Washington, and back in preparation for writing this true story.
The book also includes comments from the author’s wife, Victoria, a trained clinical therapist, and her journey alongside Matt, and offers hope to those who want to know how to be there for the survivor they love.
From Catholic school humor to the depths of addiction and despair, God lifted the author out of the abyss to sobriety, sanity, and a new life.
‘I hope with all my heart that my story can help other male survivors find hope in God and a new life with His redemptive power.” Matthew Gutbrod
To purchase the paperback version, click here.
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