Reflecting back on her career, her 30-year marriage, and raising two sons, the author realized that there were core principles that were present in her personal and professional life that enabled her to be successful, happy and healthy. She presents these in her new book, 31 days to Finding Your Inner Sass – Shortcuts to Girlfriend Happiness.
This book, specifically for women, is a daily journey to finding happiness and success in their personal and professional life. In each chapter, a different theme is introduced that puts the reader another step closer to reaching their full potential in every part of their life.
At the end of each daily chapter, the author has included questions and an exercise that relate specifically to that principle. The questions encourage the reader to dig a little deeper and better understand how that topic is applicable in their own life. The exercise is “Your call to action” and puts the principles into action. Room is included so the reader may write down their thoughts or discoveries in the process to finding their inner sass.
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